2023年8月22日 星期二

Countering Drone Threats - A Multi-Faceted Approach

Countering Drone Threats - A Multi-Faceted Approach

- Drones are playing an increasingly important role in warfare and also pose threats if used nefariously. Taiwan faces frequent intrusions by Chinese drones and needs effective countermeasures.

- A multi-layered defense system should be adopted, integrating both soft kill and hard kill capabilities. Soft kill uses jamming and spoofing to disrupt drone control. Hard kill physically destroys drones via missiles, artillery etc.

- Upgrading radar and fire control systems is crucial to enable early detection and accurate tracking of small drones. Sensor fusion and AI can enhance monitoring. 

- Mobile electromagnetic jamming systems as well as fixed electronic fences around key areas can help repel drones. Cannons, guns and missiles give hard kill options.

- Ongoing training, live-fire drills, and testing of tactics and systems can help improve proficiency in countering drones. Continued technology development is also key to match evolving threats.

- Close civil-military collaboration will allow leveraging of private sector expertise in areas like jamming weapons. A coordinated effort is required to build an robust, adaptive drone defense system.

In summary, dealing with drone threats requires employing a mix of soft kill and hard kill capabilities, upgraded early warning systems, new counter-drone technologies, and integrated defense planning. Regular drills and flexibility will also help counter this rapidly evolving challenge.

2014年11月18日 星期二

How to build HRMS (Human Resource Management System) in MFG.

HRMS in MFG is a key management system for certify and DL personal data keep purpose.  I know HR should keep those data for all staffs data in company. But in MFG our production line are running 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, we can't waiting the DL data until HR provide it. Especially in emergence cases, such as DL no show when he/she is on duty, or he/her have some emergency cases in line. We need to reach their emergency contacts A.S.A.P. And certify data are not keep in HR's training data base normally, if your company are, your HR is a good support for you.

I created this HRMS is for our annual plan to encourage DL to become multi-function TE. We need a efficiency way to maintain those data replace EXCEL file. I try to use ACCESS database and VB.net to create a simple but useful system  for our TPS compute the multi-function DL score.

The basic function as picture shows.

It use Chinese as items title, 1st parts are DL personal data define and data maintain. Working area define, Section define, DL personal data maintain, education degree query, personal information  maintain etc. This part are the main function for DL's shift, section, personal data maintain functions.

2014年4月18日 星期五

DL on Jo Training - certify introduction

How to make sure your DL are operating tool qualified? We have a standard answer is certify. What is certify? in our company it means a DL get a license to operate a specific tool/equipment. The more certifies he/she got means he/she with more skill in company.

2014年4月10日 星期四

Low WIP activities

Sorry for my long time no update. As my last article, I am so busy to learn how to do my boss's job right now.
Today I have a little free time, and I will shear my project in recently. My company are not in a good situation right now, due to our products are not meet customer request and have some performance issues. And we change a Chairman and General Managers in less season. New boss always have a lot of suggestions like you never do the right thing right.

2014年3月8日 星期六

How to evaluate your DL manpower (2/2)

How to judge DL's manpower's value. It's a difficult topic in management. Because of your target is people. I want to focused on certify system, and about the working quality  and productivity, I will split to another article to explain it.
Why I using certify to describe DL manpower value? My Boss say, we can'd do management if not quantitative it. A manpower's value is what he or she can do for you. Beside the volumes, the other one is what he/she can do on his job.
In my working experience, we using certify to describe the manpower's skill level. The more certify he or she does, and more job he or she can do.

2014年2月22日 星期六

How to evaluate your DL manpower (1/2)

Today I want to discuss the topic, How to evaluate DL manpower. Normally it belong to IE's job scope, but we need to check IE's model fit MFG's status or not. I would like  to introduce the DL manpower count method, and how to increase DL working capability with you.

DL manpower's count have some models, MMR (Man Machine ratio), Time study, Function allocate and so on. I will try to simply talk about it.

2014年2月19日 星期三

Introduce a good website to you

I found a web site for download a lot of IT E-Books. Let me share it with you. The address is http://it-ebooks-search.info/ , computer skill will help to to get and analysis the data faster than others. I have learned SQL, Access, Dreamwaver, VB.net and excel VBA in my passed career life. It give me a great help.
If you have interest for program develop or you want to access database through SQL or VBA, you will find suitable books in this website.
Enjoy it. If any shearing welcome.