2014年4月18日 星期五

DL on Jo Training - certify introduction

How to make sure your DL are operating tool qualified? We have a standard answer is certify. What is certify? in our company it means a DL get a license to operate a specific tool/equipment. The more certifies he/she got means he/she with more skill in company.
1. How to generate certify items, it comes from MFG and engineer departments co-work to define each tool types Standard Operation Procedures (SOP). Normally one type tool with its own SOP, and how many tool type your have and you will have how many certify items.

2. How to apply certify? The certify in our company have a simple procedure, DL should take the tool type's training about 1~3 month depends on  the tool operation difficult, and your trainer recognize the DL operation along's capability and the trainer will apply the certify for he/she.

3.How to do the  certify? Our Certify with two parts,  1. paper exam, engineer will issue a test paper, after DL apply it, and MFG will give them the test paper (new model is do the exam on computer) after DL complete the test paper and the engineer will score the exam paper. The qualify score is larger than 80. If the DL fail the exam paper test, and he/she need to re-train by trainer, and apply another test after 1 month.
The 2nd parts is oral test, it test by engineer. the engineer will base on the test guidance to test the DL, the guidance include the process follow, tool operation follow, safety concept, quality concept and tool material related issues. After the oral  test, the engineer will give them a score by each items. The qualify score is lager than 80. If the DL failed, he/she should re-apply it after 3 weeks, oral test only.  

4. What the certify for? After DL pass the certify, and supervisor will pass the certify sheet to TPS, and their will key in the record in our HRMS (Human Resource Management System) and release the tool operate authority to them. We corporate with CIM to gate the track in/out authority by certify record. If their without certify record or the record is fail we will disable the tool track in/out authorities for the DL, until the/she pass the certify. And it can control the DL can't operate the tool if he/she not pass the certify item.

5. How to do de-certify? In MFG the certify is not effective forever, we have de-certify to revoke the certify authority from them. When and who will be de-certified? In general our certify effective within 2 years, the certify will non-effective after he/she took it 2 years, and he/she need to re-certify, passing the certify process again. and we have another de-certify rule is de-certify by MO (Miss-Operation). If the DL have a MO on one tool, and he will be de-certify immediately. And he/she re-apply the tool certify after 3 month.
We using the system to control it.

We can generate a lot of report from the certify database, including DL average skill items and area operation skill index and so on.

I will shear these report next time.

Have a nice day, I hope it can give you some help.

