2013年12月21日 星期六

Common Used Report in Manufacturing--MFG indices Daily Summary Report

FAB plan /operation Report and System as the picture shows in below.


All the Manufacturing Plan are comes form MPS ( Master Production Schedule) and FAB cycle time plan, and MPC (Manufacturing PC) will generate a FAB daily operation plan daily.


The 1st report are using for monitor FAB daily production status, this report is the page one in our daily report summary. It will show the daily trend chart about FAB and Manufacturing status day by day.

第一個要介紹的報表是用來監控工廠每天的生產狀態所用,這個報表是製造部每天報表的第一頁. 這個報表可以看出每天的生產趨勢.

Pls reference the sample, (The data are all fake)

I using Day 1 to Day 7 to simple the table, Day 1 to Day 30 are used in FAB. you will see the KPI we introduced on the report.

我在這個範例中只用了1-7天來簡化這張表,工廠內所使用的是1-30天的完整表格. 你會看到我們先前所介紹的KPI應用在這個報表中.

Column 1, shows the day and the Shift, In IC FAB the working shift is 4-2 shift, working 2 days and 12 hrs in every working day. and 2 days off. Total are 4 shifts running 24 hrs per day, 7 days per week.


Column 2, show the whole WIP Qty. in line. We will watch the Avg Qty. and ideally WIP Qty, to make sure we will not wast our cost for the WIP in line.


Column 3, is Move, to monitor daily move have any deviation with our target. In MFG Cumulative number of move you will get wafer out.

第三欄是每天的Move 數,用來監控每天的實際MOVE與我們計畫中的MOVE數的差異. 在製造部中MOVE的累積你就會得到出貨.

Column 4, is wafer start Qty, for keep the WIP level, we need to wafer start continually. The daily wafer start Qty. are defined by PC from MPS. MFG need to follow the plan to do it. But some times MFG need to make up some disaster or full utilize the bottle neck tool, MFG will corporate with PC to pull in wafer start schedule.

第四欄是投片量,為了維持線上的WIP水位,我們必須不斷的投片. 每天的投片量是由 PC依據主排程來決定的.製造部需要遵守並且依據這個計劃來執行.但是有時候製造部為了因應有些生產問題或者是為了要充分利用瓶頸機台,會與PC合作來調整投片量.

Column 5, wafer output, daily wafer out, wafer out is the most important target in FAB. Only product be made and sale, the money will cone back.

第五欄是產出量, 每天的產出量 ,產出是製造部最重要的事情.只有產出同時銷售出去,我們付出的成本才能回收.

Column 6, Turn rate, As last article, T/R is the ratio between Move and WIP, and we will check the WIP mobility is in normal.  

第六欄是週轉率,如同上一篇文章所說的,週轉率是Move 與 WIP的比值,鎖門會檢查WIP的流動性是否處於正常的狀態.

Below the table, you will see Dev(Deviation), MTD (Month to Date), Goal and AVG (Average).

在表格的下方你會看見差異, 本月累計到目前為止的狀況,目標值以及平均值.

Dev is the gap between Goal and actual, it will tell us what is the possible issue in the FAB. MFG need to make a recover plan for the deviation.

Dev 是實際與目標的差異,他可以告訴我們在FAB內可能的問題,製造部通常都需要為了這個差異擬訂一些行動計畫.

MTD (Month to Date) is the culmination the index from 1st day to today in this month. MFG's deliver plan usually are monthly. MFG use this index is for liner forecast the output.


AVG, is MTD/passing day in this month. It show the average daily performance.


Review this report is the daily first job in my daily job. We can see how the performance in yesterday, and it can be compared with historical data.


If the gap are still growing, and we should take some action plans to prevent it growth up. This is the summary the whole manufacturing performances's report. But it can't tell you the detail, It will give you a signal for the abnormal events. And the detail you will need other detail report for you. The next KSR is the most important tool for you.


