2013年12月28日 星期六

How to get the manufacturing indices raw data?

One  of my friend told me, we don't have MES (manufacturing Execution System) in our company. How can I get that data?

有人跟我反映,我們公司沒有MES (製造執行系統),我要如何取得這些資料?

It's a big question, I have experience in 3 types of company, maybe I can shear some experience with you.


1. MES is setup, and implement very well. We have a CIM guy or a team for MES maintenance and development. If you need the raw data, you just ask the CIM guy, provide you a read only's Data Base account, and you can access the database by SQL language though Excel, Visual Basic,Access or other  program languages to develop your reports.

Access MES Database is a very serious thing, it may impact MES performance is your SQL is not good enough, CIM will provide you a DATA Mart's account, it's duplicate from MES database.
We will discuss SQL and  Excel VBA later. If you have such environment, it's very convenient for you develop these management report. All you need to do is ask.

第一種,MES已經設置好了,並且線上執行已經很好了.公司已經有一個人或者一組人負責MES 的維護及開發. 如果你需要原始資料,你只要找到負責CIM的人,請他提供給你一組唯讀的帳號,讓你可以讀取資料庫.你可以用SQL 的語法在Excel, VB, Access或其他的程式語言取得資料發展你的報表.
直接存取MES系統的資料表是一件很嚴肅的事情,因為如果你的SQL語法寫得不夠好,可能會影響到MES的速度. CIM通常會提供Data Mart 的帳號給你,這個資料庫是從MES資料庫複製而來的.
我們在稍後會討論到SQL 以及VBA 在製造部的用途.如果你有這樣的環境,這對於你發展你的管理報表是非常方便的.你只要開口要資料就可以了.

2.We don't have MES, but we have ERP and manufacturing module are ready. ERP's propose are more for accounting than manufacturing. But it still a good raw data source for your indices. We need to know who are the key person, and ask him to release a read only account to you. And you can access or export the historical data to your report. It's fine you can get your data as well. If you have ERP but manufacturing module are not ready? Maybe the best way is to convince your boss or the sponsor to release it on-line. It may take a while, because the ERP module are not fit your company normally. It need customize, that's why SAP, Oracle, people soft earn a lot of money. It's a good chance to build a system can be fit your requirement.

第二種,公司沒有MES但是有ERP,同時製造模組也已經上線.ERP 的目的比較大部份是為了會計的結帳,但是這仍是一個很好的原始資料來源.你需要知道誰是系統負責人,請他開啟一個唯獨的權限.這樣你就可以獲得你的報表所需的歷史資料.如果公司有ERP但是製造模組沒有上線那該如何?這時候你要想辦法說服你的老闆或者是負責人,想辦法讓他上線.這通常需要一些時間,因為這些ERP現有的模組通常都無法直接套在你的公司直接使用.需要一些客製化的過程,這也就是這些ERP公司賺錢的來源.但是這是個好機會可以把系統做成你想要的樣子.

3.Type 3, my company is small one or the old one. No one have the ambition for the better manufacturing except you. You are so lucky, you will be the someone in your company in someday. I suggest you may ask an assistant for key in the data. (or do it by yourself) You may corporate with on-line operators or managers, to design record sheets for operators to record the operation history. And send it out when they off duty. The assistant help to key the data into excel or the program you create to record and summary these indices. It may be not timely data for you, but it's a good start. These data have very magic power to show a lot of thing in line. When people see the value of the data, and they will ask you more, and you can request more resources for this job, until you have a completed MES.


I had build a MES in a traditional industrial company by this way, and the system are going well until now. It's never easy, but you need to remain commitment to it.


The data's accuracy relay on your data quality, more data is more indices. But what are you doing by these indices is more important.


God bless you.

