2014年2月9日 星期日

E-Mail Rule

I want to share some E-Mail rules to you. I think it will help to to more effective to use this tool.
in 1980, everyone says that, why Japan can we aren't? There is a school of argument about the Japan's office layout are helping them communication more effective cause the grate Japan. The E-Mail change it, But please do not using E-Mail for every kind of communication, to replace the oral or face to face communications.

E-mail have a lot of advantages, it like face to face, speedy, very personal or public and it can storage for a long time until you delete it from your computer.

But E-Mail can't deliver the word real meaning, misunderstanding are very often. For example, I write I am not happy to this. How unhappy am I? especial when the language are not we familiar, we normal are mis-understanding it.

There are some rule for your reference.

1. Re-check the content again before you press "Send". It will prevent you deliver the message what you are not want. When you are anger or sad, don't e-mail anything we will feel sorry's content to any one.

2.Avoid using "Replay-All"'s function when you replay. Check a basic rule, the message only deliver to who need to know. If you are asking for help, or make a deal with some one. Please put your boss and his boss into CC list, to make sure both managers are agree this request or co-work.

3.Make your E-Mail shorter and simple. Simplify and directly to show what you want in e-mail. And do some summary job, to summarize the key points in the  previous mails. If it's not easy to explain in e-Mail, please move you feet and knock his door discuss it face to face or call a meeting to get consensus. Or you will mixed and mass the communication.

4. Mail title must be correct and appropriate. I received a lot of mail the title only "Hi!", and these mail are all in my trash right now. For example, if you are sending a meeting notice, I prefer the title:
[Meeting Notice] MFG Weekly review 2/7'14 (Tue) PM1:30~PM2:30 L010 (Meeting Room)
The mail title shows clear meeting time, place and subject. Do not mix two or three meeting notice in one mail, it will confuse the meeting attendee.

5. Delete unnecessary information when you are doing forward mail. Keep the need to know's rule, and mention why you need to forwarded this mail, and what kind feedback is you expect. Hiding the sender or receiver is a good idea, if the mail just for fun.

6. Must replay when you are in the To list. It's for the sender check you got the message or not. Sometimes we will use receipt function to make sure you get the message. But for the more effective communication, I think you should give sender a feedback when you are in to list.

7.Please check with receiver when you are sending a large attach file. To prevent their have enough mail space to get your file.

8. Prevent using E-Mail to discuss the topic about "people". It's not a good tool to communicate about people, face to face is the way I suggest.

9. Treat E-Mail like public communicate channel, don't think the mail content will not leak to other people.

10. You e-Mail need house keeping in regular. Check your E-Mail every 4~6 hours, and filling it to your folders every week. If the mail need to keep for a long time, pls print it out or save it into your specify folder for storage.

And final verify your signature information correct, convince the receiver contact with you.

I hope these rules will help you to use your E-Mail more help for your career .

